Monday, 21 September 2015


I'll offer to you,
my dearest
a sweet silvery rendition
Embraced in a harmonious rhythm
Deep from the abyss of my steadfast heart,
A sweet lay of love
No ear has welcomed

I'll sing low,
then high
Till it rises,
a deafening crescendo
I'll beckon on songsters
Form all earth's quarter
we'll make the song swell around you

I'll praise with the sweet ode
The greatness of your surpassing beauty,
Your alluring eyes,
Point-carved nose
And Sexy pink glossy lips
Not saving your inky long tresses

From my piccolo,
There shall a pleasant tune issue forth
To tear away your heavy-heart
In great asunder 
I'll twang too
the ukulele strings
And set free it's sweet melody
To unfasten your joy

For you,
Bone of my own
I'll sing till my strength wane
twang strings
Till my fingers are dead
I'll go to the end of the earth
To make songs that holds you
Under a rapturous heaven

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