Thursday, 11 June 2015


I know plenty tongues that utter 
It shall die at the gate
It shall swim away like a leaf on stream water
So they say let go now before its too late 

They cry it's a pseudo of what it seems
And she kiss happily a deceitful tongue
Anon, her mouth shall wail and scream
Yet her eyes soaked in tears of wrong

The pain, her heart would not contain
The damage shall reach her marrow
Thus her wholesomeness shall wane
All they utter, an imminent sorrow

Eh! Tongue of the world 
I trample over your utterance
I'll slay you half sans a war 
Neath the auspices of Lord's ordinance 

Nearer, let me whisper to your ear
So you can proclaim to your clan
That gate, it flew over there 
And it shall live a limitless span

Await, you shall learn and tell 
That the aspect of the morrow,
 Not for the mortals to see nor foretell
Sooner, you shall be put to sorrow 

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