Thursday, 11 June 2015


Gone but here, 
Atop my brooding heart
Far yet near
My thoughts brings her forth 

I miss my dear
And the halcyon days we had
Doughty visage shroud my tears
But lugubrious of countenance 

She severed ties tween us
And loses upon me an unalloyed loneliness 
I became unquiet and broody
Benighted of the path to walk henceforth

'tis loneliness all about me
My heart's desolate and hollow
Abandoned to brood
This, bitterness in my bosom

I passed into slumber at night 
Perchance this feeling will vanquish 
At my wake in the morn
Alas! Forlorn hope, it lingers on

Unavailing my quest for love anew
A damsel with ardour I crave for
To slough off this perpetual feeling
And cast off my woebegone visage. 

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